
    • October 2019
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Dealreporter, “Japan to lower notification threshold as part of expanded scrutiny of foreign investments” (10 October, 2019)
    • July 2019
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Dealreporter, “Japan’s new METI guidelines aim to curb unfettered behavior by controlling shareholders” (July 24, 2019)
    • May 2019
      International Conference
      IFIAR (International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators)

      Participated in the panel discussions, “Perspectives on Audit Committee Activities,” and also a breakout session, at a plenary meeting of the International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (IFIAR), as a member of the Advisory Group to the Investor and Other Stakeholder Working Group, (May 1 & 2, 2019, Rhodes, Greece)

    • April 2019
      M&A Forum 2019 (organized by Mergermarket)

      Panel discussion - Room for improvement: Corporate governance and rising shareholder activism (April 10, 2019, Conrad Hotel, Tokyo)

    • March 2019
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Mergermarket and Dealreporter, “TSE shake-up plan welcomed by event investors but concern by long-onlies” (March 22, 2019)
    • March 2019
      Accounting and Audit System Research Sub-Committee of The Daiichi-Tokyo Bar Association

      Facilitator of Panel Discussions of the Symposium, “Role of and Expectation for the Audit Committee in Support of Audit Quality- Analysis of Collaboration with Auditor and International Good Practices” (March 13, 2018, Tokyo)

    • December 2018
      Interview comments on a criminal charge against Mr. Carlos Ghosn, from the perspective of Japanese disclosure rule on executive compensation, featured in a special column covering three expert interviewees, entitled “Compound Eyes: Repercussions of Mr. Ghosn Arrest” of Nikkei Shimbun morning edition (December 4, 2018)
    • November 2018
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Nikkei electronic edition, entitled “Multiplied Effects of Plea Bargain and Whistleblowing Stops Runaway of Top Management: Arrest of Nissan Chair Carolos Ghosn” (November 20, 2018)
    • September 2018
      Release of English version of the Report by the “Working Group on Corporate Disclosure” of the Financial System Council (June 28, 2018)
    • September 2018
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Mergermarket and Dealreporter, “Nihon Nohyaku/ADEKA say premium justifies deal structure and pricing following complaint” (September 20, 2018)
    • June 2018
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Nikkei Asian Review, “Fujifilm takes its battle for Xerox to US court” (June 20, 2018)
    • June 2018
      “International Securities and Capital Markets , IV Developments in Japan,” Vol. 52 The Year in Review 270-272 (2017), Annual Publication of the ABA/Section of International Law
    • April 2018
      International Conference
      IFIAR (International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators)

      Participated in the panel discussions at plenary meeting, “Emerging Disruptive Enablers and the Future of Audit,” of the International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (IFIAR), as a member of the Advisory Group to the Investor and Other Stakeholder Working Group (April 19, 2018, IFIAR, Ottawa CANADA)

    • March 2018
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Nikkei Asian Review, “Japanese investors riled by discounted tender offers” (March 15, 2018)
    • March 2018
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Mergermarket and Dealreporter, “Japan’s corporate governance code reform could trigger non-core business sales” (March 14, 2018)
    • February 2018
      Accounting and Audit System Research Sub-Committee of The Daiichi-Tokyo Bar Association

      Facilitator of Panel Discussions of the Symposium, “Internal Audit’s Roles in Fraud Risk Management and Remaining Issues: Promoting Collaboration with Auditors and Results of External Assessment of Internal Audit Functions” (February13, 2018)

    • December 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Nikkei internet edition (in Japanese), “’Issues Remain’ after Toshiba/WD Settlement: Views from Lawyers” (December 13, 2017)
    • December 2017
      Appointed as Expert Member of Financial System Council (Disclosure Working Group) of the Financial Services Agency
    • November 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Dealreporter, “Toshiba Memory: MOFCOM yet to initiate formal review, Unigroup opposition could affect time line” (November 10, 2017)
    • November 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of the Dealreporter, “ADK/Bain: WPP files arbitration request with JCAA on alliance termination” (November 2, 2017)
    • October 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of the Dealreporter, “Aeria rejects short-seller ‘inflated download’ accusation” (October 27, 2017)
    • October 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Nikkei Veritas, “Uncertainty of Tender Offer for Asatsu DK Shares, Price Increase or Not Enough Tender” (October 8, 2017)
    • October 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of the Dealreporter, “Toshiba Memory bidder Bain Capital upbeat on timely antitrust clearance” (October 5, 2017)
    • August 2017
      Contributed to the Nikkei Morning Edition’s Column, Personal Views Insightful View, an article, “Consider the Practical Use of Code of Conduct to Prevent Corporate Misconduct and Fraud” (August 16, 2017)
    • July 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Nikkei Asian Review, “High Court clears path for Idemitsu to issue shares, pursue merger” (July 20, 2017)
    • July 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Nikkei, Morning Edition, “How to Judge the Timing of Idemitsu Shareholder Meeting” (July 20, 2017)
    • July 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Nikkei, Morning Edition, “Judiciary: New Share Issue for “Control Purpose” Would Be Unfair” (July 19, 2017)
    • June 2017
      The Year in Review (2016): “ International Securities and Capital Markets: V Developments in Japan”(The International Lawyer, vol. 51)
    • June 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of the Dealreporter, “Japan: Disclosure of AGM votes likely to see more support for activist proposals” (June 14, 2017)
    • June 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Asian Venture Capital Journal, “Japan carve-outs: chips off the block” (June 13, 2017)
    • April 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of the Dealreporter, “PanaHome: Activists mark milestone victory with improved offer” (April 28, 2017)
    • April 2017
      The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (April 7, 2017)

      Panelist at Symposium, “Enhancing Coordination between Auditor and Audit Committee toward Achieving High-Quality Audit”

    • April 2017
      International Conference
      IFIAR (International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators)

      Participation in the panel discussions at plenary meeting and breakout session, as a member of the Advisory Group to the Investor and Other Stakeholder Working Group, International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (2017 IFIAR, Tokyo)

    • February 2017
      Seminar Presentation, “Disclosure Practice in the Code Era in response to Ongoing Disclosure Reform” (February 20, 2017)
    • February 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of the Dealreporter, “PanaHome/Panasonic: Shareholder urging PanaHome not to allow Panasonic to vote at AGM” (February 14, 2017)
    • January 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Asahi Judiciary, “Permanent Secretariat of IFIAR to Be in Tokyo” (January 24, 2017)
    • January 2017
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Nikkei, Morning Edition, “Frustration of Minority Shareholders Lingers, Reigniting Debate over Appraisal Price in MBOs” (January 23, 2017)
    • December 2016
      Provided a brief report on the activities of the Advisory Group to the Investor and Other Stakeholders Working Group (IOSWG), International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators at the first general meeting of Japan IFIAR Network (December 7, 2016)
    • November 2016
      Seminar Presentation, “Discussions on Auditing System to Ensure Proper Financial Reporting and and Outlook for the Future” (November 29, 2016)
    • November 2016
      Quoted in an article of Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun, “Business Q&A: Time to Reconsider the Disclosure Policy, Short Seller Targets Japan” (November 8, 2016)
    • November 2016
      Facilitator of Panel Discussion at a Symposium organized by the Accounting and Auditing System Research Sub-Committee, The Dai-ichi Tokyo Bar Association, “Accounting and Auditing Knowledge Required of Audit Committee Members, Must-Have Perspectives towards Betterment of Mutual Understanding with External Auditor” (November 7, 2016)
    • October 2016
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Nikkei Veritas, “Impact of Short Seller Fund Coming to Japan: Debate over Legality of Approach, ‘Apparently, with Rational Base’ versus ‘Quite Dubious’” (October 9, 2016)
    • August 2016
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Nikkei Veritas, “Short Seller Fund’s Strong Sell Report Stirs Up Controversies” (August 8, 2016)
    • August 2016
      Media Quote
      Quoted in an article of Dealreporter, “Japan faces growing investor cynicism after Supreme Court rejects JCOM minorities’ appeal” (August 3, 2016)
    • May 2016
      Seminar Presentation, “Accounting Fraud and Corporate Governance Principles concerning Proper Financial Reporting” (May 20, 2016)
    • May 2016
      Seminar Presentation, “Corporate Governance Reporting, Key Points for the 2nd Year” (May 18, 2016)
    • May 2016
      Appointed as Chair of the Accounting and Auditing System Research Subcommittee, Legal Research Institute, The Dai-ichi Tokyo Bar Association
    • April 2016
      International Conference
      IFIAR (International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators)

      Participation as a member of the Advisory Group to the Investor and Other Stakeholder Working Group, International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (2016 IFIAR Plenary Meeting in London)

    • February 2016
      Presentation at Expert Hearing Session at Joint Meeting of the Finance Research Committee and the Working Group on Business Accounting, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, “Comments on Legal and Regulatory Framework to Improve Quality of Financial Reporting and Audit of Financial Statements” (February 26, 2016)
    • February 2016
      Seminar Presentation, “Key Issues for Internal Control System to Prevent and Detect Accounting Fraud: Analysis of Roles of the Board and Audit Committee in Ensuring Audit Quality” (February 23, 2016)
    • January 2016
      Opening of CMA Partners (Kiyohara International Law Office)

Note: The above are only those in English.
For more information on speaking engagement, media quotes and publication in Japanese and English, please click here.